Our Services
Sarah’s Crittercare Pet Sitting provides services for dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, fish, and other exotics. We also care for horses, llamas, goats, donkeys, chickens, and other farm animals.
- For all our pets, the basic care of feeding, watering, walking, and cleaning up—are understood and expected. This includes walking or exercising your pets, administering medications, cleaning litter boxes or bird cages, and following the pets’ regular diet regiment.
- Visits include playing, belly rubs, couch time, and other special attention. All pets need love and TLC as well as the basic necessities.
- Visits can be scheduled anytime between 7:00 AM-9:00 PM, and every effort will be made to keep your pets on the schedule in which they are accustomed. Average visit time is 30 minutes. Any visit that requires longer than 30 minutes to complete (example-mucking stalls or cleaning bird/rabbit cages) subject to an additional fee.
- Mail and newspapers can be brought in unless otherwise advised. Garbage cans can be taken to the street and back to the house. Lights and blinds/curtains can be alternated. There is no extra charge for these services. Plants can be watered as well at your request and within reason (Any substantial watering that carries the pet visit over 30 minutes will require an additional charge).
- Transportation to Vet or Groomer is available for a special rate.
- Mid-day dog walks are available for those who work long hours during the week or just want their pets to have a break and special play time during the day. For regular daily or weekly service, a special per visit rate is available.
- Shelley’s Crittercare Pet Sitting and its employees agree to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable, trustworthy and, most importantly, a loving manner.
General Policies
- It is requested that a “Getting Acquainted” interview be scheduled to meet with you and your pets before the date of service to establish familiarity. Together, we can decide if Crittercare is right for you and your pets; and, we can work out the details of the individualized care that they will need while you are away. This is also a good time to decide on the issue of providing a key, garage door opener, or whatever access is needed once we establish an appointment date. If key is not provided at this time, an $10 service fee is charged for an additional key pick up.
- Prior to or during the initial interview between the pet sitter and potential new client, a copy of policies and procedures will be provided. Client and Pet information will be completed in full; and Service Agreement & Veterinary release form will be provided for review and signature.
- Reservations can be booked by phone, email, or text as early as one year prior to your pet sitting appointment. However, a follow-up call or email 1 to 3 days prior to the appointment will be made to re-confirm the reservation. If you do not receive this call, please feel free to contact us directly. We would never want a pet to remain unattended due to a scheduling problem.
- No early notice is necessary. All considerations will be made to work around hectic schedules and last minute appointments.
- Please leave a phone number where you or a neighbor or close family member can be reached in the event of an emergency. The name and number of your vet will be kept on record as well.
- Cancellations must be made 48 hrs in advance in order to work in other clients who may need the time slot. A 25% fee will be required if cancellation is made later than 48 hrs before reservation. This includes individual visit cancellations if a client returns home early. Any cancellations made within 4 hours of service will require full payment.
- Business and visiting hours fall between the hours of 7:00 AM-9:00 PM and services are completed during this time with the last scheduled visit by 9:00PM. While specific visitation times cannot be guaranteed, every effort will be made to accommodate your pet’s routine schedule. A one hour window is acceptable.
- Payment for pet sitting services is required by the 5th calendar day after service has ended. For regular ongoing pet sitting services, payment can be set up weekly or bi-weekly. We accept cash, check and credit card payments online via Paypal.
- All new clients will be required to pay the full balance of the initial reservation, less the prepay discount, prior to the first scheduled visit. Any and all subsequent bookings can be paid for up front or by the 5th calendar day after service has ended.
- Shelley’s Crittercare is a full service pet care provider, and pet sitting may be provided by other members listed on our website and covered under the Insurance and Bonding policy.
Liability Policies
- The client agrees to notify the pet sitter of any concerns within 24 hours of returning home.
- Shelley’s Crittercare Pet Sitting cannot be responsible for any pet that escapes from faulty fencing or from inside the home due to faulty screens, doors, etc; or for any actions of pets while they are unattended. All pets with electronic fences must wear their collars with fresh batteries. The pet sitter is not responsible for any animals that get out or inside of perimeter.
- The client understands that all pets (where appropriate) must have a veterinarian and must be up to date on the rabies vaccination by the time of pet sitting appointment.
- We will be unable to sit for acutely ill animals or those with uncontrolled medical conditions. In this situation, the pet would best be served by being boarded with a veterinarian.
- We will be unable to accept aggressive animals. Client agrees to be responsible for all costs including, but not limited to, medical care, attorney fees, etc. if client’s pet should bite another person or animal.
- The client understands that any medical concerns will be referred to a veterinarian. We will make every attempt to contact the owner regarding any health issues while we are caring for your pets.
- Client authorizes Shelley’s Crittercare Pet Sitting to obtain the services of a locksmith should a key/garage opener malfunction. Client is responsible for all charges.
- The Client agrees to notify the pet sitter if other individuals will be present in the home during any portion of the Client’s time away. The pet sitter cannot be held responsible for the actions of others with access to the Client’s home and pets.
- Client agrees to authorize the pet sitter to handle any emergencies that may arise. Shelley’s Crittercare Pet Sitting will make every effort to contact client, however client gives the pet sitter authority to act in the pet’s/home’s best interest.
- Client agrees to pay a $30 fee on all returned checks immediately upon notification.

Flat fee/per visit
(up to 6 pets)

Daily Dog walking service
(5 days/wk)
$22/visit or $110/week

Horses & Farm Animals
(up to 4)
**No charge per pet for up to 6 pets or 4 large farm animals. If there are more per household, a per visit rate will be provided after the meet and greet appointment.
Medication administration (Injections only, no charge for oral medications)
Mileage Surcharge (mileage only applies for service located outside our service area or for transports)
Pet Transport to or from Groomer, Vet, etc. (includes drop off/pick up service or staying for an appointment)
$30 per hour + mileage
Food/medication pick up (assuming vet or food supply store is within service area-round trip mileage will be included for any pick-ups outside the service area)
Initial Meet and Greet appointment and key pick-up
Keys not retained by Shelley’s Crittercare – pick-up/drop-off fee
***All Rates are subject to change at the beginning of each calendar year. Notification will be sent out accordingly if necessary.
For all clients with daily, regular, and ongoing dog walking/pet sitting appointments, a premium discount is offered based on the following:
Minimum of 5 visits/week
$22/visit ($110/wk)
For all other clients, a Prepay Discount is available to you. If payment is received by the time of the first scheduled visit, the discount is allotted accordingly (Prepay discounts do not apply for Daily Dog walking-it is discounted above at the premium rate):
ALL Scheduled Visits
5% Prepay Discount
For all other clients, a Prepay Discount is available to you. If payment is received by the time of the first scheduled visit, the discount is allotted accordingly (Prepay discounts do not apply for Daily Dog walking-it is discounted above at the premium rate):